Tuesday, March 26, 2013

From Being the Farmer's Daughter to Being the Farmer

Step by step, month by month, day by day I am learning to trade the many hats I've worn as an Army Strong Wife, for the many hats of being a woman in agriculture and a farmer's wife!  And let me tell you, it's a whole different ballgame.  I feel like I need to wipe the slate clean and forget everything I've ever known!

But, thankfully, there are many wonderful programs that I hope to participate in, helping me learn, grow, and understand all the many ups and downs of being a farmer.

I had the honor and priviledge of attending a 3-day seminar called Annie's Project.  This program is designed for women in agriculture, to empower them to be better business partners through networks and by managing and organizing critical information.  It is based on the life of a farm woman, Annette Fleck, who grew up in a small town in northern Illinois. Through her savvy business sense, she developed a successful farming career.  From her successes and failures, Annie's Project was born, teaching other women in agriculture how important risk management education is for success.
Our days were packed with informative speakers spanning topics from the importance of legal knowledge and representation for a farm, to good accounting and economics practices, to using social media to promote our business and products, all the way to realizing our own self worth and promoting ourselves as competent members of the agriculture world.

This program was offered in my area through the Clemson Extension Service, and was sponsored by Clemson Cooperative Extension, AgSouth Farm Credit, ArborOne Farm Credit, South Carolina Farm Bureau, and the South Carolina Women's Agricultural Network (SCWAgN).  Their generosity enabled 21 women to attend this workshop to obtain information and learn of the many resources available in operating a successful farming operation.  Resources that I intend to start tapping in to immediately! 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Something Fine, Missing Morocco

I've been missing Morocco an awful lot lately, and thought it might be nice
to go there, even briefly, for one of my posts.
I hope you enjoy it...
Photos by Yours Truly
Music by Jackson Browne

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