Sunday, November 27, 2011

Giving Thanks

I've celebrated Thanksgiving every year of my life, usually with a million people around me.  Well....not really, but it always seemed like a million people!  That's the only way to celebrate in my opinion:  tons of people and way too much food!

The Oaks, Blenheim, SC

This year was no exception, as I went to my family's ancestral home for the first time in 4 years, to meet up with sisters, aunts, nephews, nieces, in-laws, cousins, once, twice, thrice removed, to catch up on each other's lives and to eat, and eat, and eat!  We were 37 around the table, both big and small. 

Thanksgiving 2011 at The Oaks

It was wonderful, but I found myself reminiscing of Thanksgivings past, where my husband and I hosted large groups in our home away from home.  We have always taken great pride in opening our home to our adoptive families in whatever country we were currently living.  Last year, we hosted 75 friends, most co-workers from the American Embassy in Morocco, but also several acquaintances from various countries, including our host country.  The consensus is always the same from both American and non-American alike: gratitude for including them in an amazing day of American tradition. 

Thanksgiving 2010, at Chez Travelin'GRITS, Rabat, Morocco

I'll confess I missed "running" the show last Thursday, but I'll also confess that I was happy to have the opportunity to really enjoy the day, the chance to actually sit and have an entire conversation with someone without having to excuse myself to check on something in the kitchen.  A chance to be a "guest" at my absolute favorite holiday of the year.  For this, I thank my dear sister, Beth, for always hosting this very special family event where an invitation is never needed. 

my 3 sisters and I at the family cemetary

Now, it would be wrong for me to end this without mentioning the amazing food.  Everyone contributes something, whether it be boiled peanuts to snack on before the meal, to unbelieveable desserts that everyone wants to eat, but no one should because there's just no room in their already stuffed bellies!  The turkey (2 this year!) the dressing (made by yours truly, and was some of my best ever), rice and gravy, squash casserole, sweet potatoe casserole, pineapple-cheese casserole, green beans, collards, homemade cranberry relish, and the fancy biscuits that everyone clammers to get.

hungry youngsters
I'll close by expressing how grateful I am to my parents, who, with my father's siblings and in-laws, began our annual Thanksgiving gathering many years ago.  They set an example for me to follow, sharing a tradition with both relatives and friends from around the world, expressing gratefulness to God for the many blessings He gives.  They are no longer on this earth, but I feel they beam with pride that their 4 daughters are carrying on the tradition, no matter our location.  Wherever I am, you can always count on me being surrounded by a crowd on this very special holiday.

Monday, November 21, 2011

My First Attempt

I don't claim to be a writer.  Let's get that straight before we even begin.  I very much envy those that possess literary talent. But this blog isn't so much about any profound thoughts that I have, it is merely an opportunity for me to share my adventures of living in far-off places, experiencing the amazing, the bizarre, the spectacular scenery, the GIFT of being a Travelin' G.R.I.T.S. (Girl Raised In The South).

I am a proud Army Strong wife. I am deeply devoted to my husband and his call to serve our great nation. Through his almost 20 years in the US Army, we have had incredible experiences living across the United States, and in 4 overseas postings. Each place having both positive and negative impact on all members of our family, but in the long run, our lives have been greatly changed because of our experiences.

For now, this blog will be photos and explanations of our most recent assignment in Rabat, Morocco. We were assigned to the American Embassy there, and have just returned to the States after 3 years. Three years of eye-popping photo opportunities, many of which I didn't even capture! But as I relive our time there through this blog, I take great pleasure in sharing my photographs with you.

So without further ado, lets get on with the Travelin' GRITS (Girl Raised In The South).

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