Monday, January 16, 2012

My Love Affair......Come On In!

Folks that know me, know I have a thing for doors.  This isn't a new love affair either.  I can remember as a little girl, commenting to my mother on the beautiful doors of some lovely antebellum homes where I grew up.  Even back then, I preferred detailed doors over plain ones; deep, rich wood tones refinished to a warm, welcoming "Come on in!"

My adult infatuation with doors began in Tunisia.  Located on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa, we spent a year there while my husband studied advanced Arabic.  And so began my confirmed love affair of doors.  The small village of Sidi Bou Said, is perched on the cliffs of the Mediterranean Sea.  Truly an artist's paradise providing sweeping vistas to delight the senses daily, rain or shine.  In typical Tunisian fashion, most buildings are painted white while doors and windows are painted the most beautiful shade of blue!  Each time I see this blue, it makes me want to hug myself, and takes me straight back to the narrow, steep streets of this charming village. 

I spent hours meandering the streets of this lovely village, snapping pictures of doors and windows.  Back then I seemed to be more focused on windows.  Probably because I figured they were more portable, if I ever was tempted to buy one.  Which I did, by the way, and that will be another story for another post. 

I was told that the iron studs on the doors are an indication of wealth; the more studs, the more wealth.  I never confirmed this detail, but I was often curious.

So here I give you pictures of doors in the far away land of Tunisia.  Come on in!

1 comment:

  1. I'm curious as to your current door count and whether you have found room for them all in your new house.


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