Monday, May 14, 2012

The Land of Awesome!

The United States truly is the most amazing country in the world for many, many reasons!  And after having been overseas, this fact is all too obvious.  Let me explain...

I'll admit, living overseas is an experience like no other.  I have completely embraced each and every assignment with an open mind and open eyes.  And each assignment has been great in their own special ways.  But...

There is no place in the world like America.  We have rules, laws, and freedoms like no other country.  Simple things like grocery shopping are taken for granted here.  The quality of USDA is unequalled anywhere else!  Many countries where we've lived don't even have consumer standards on meats or vegetables.  Can you say "disgusting"?

Returning to America is an exciting time.  Before your household goods are even packed up in your foreign locale, you've begun making lists of things you want, things you need, things can't wait to buy, eat, see.

After living in a 3rd world country like Morocco, a simple trip to an American grocery store can be an all day event.  It's complete sensory overload, and your saliva glands get a thorough workout.

So this post is for all my friends who are in the process of PCS'ing (Permanent Change of Station) back to the States. 

Get ready to be completely overwhelmed by the  

fresh, clean lettuce,

even a touch of French to make you feel like you're still in Morocco,

a million different types of breads,

even soft, stay together hot dog buns (remember those?)

coffee creamers that are to die for,

the simple Hispanic tortilla,

real milk in a gallon jug that doesn't leak every time you pour,

pork products of all shapes and sizes

the BEST sharp cheddar cheese at affordable prices,

 great brands of American ice cream in more flavors than you can imagine,

beautiful, crisp fruits,

farm fresh veggies

even celery of your choice (regular stalks or hearts!),

and bug-free broccoli.

Yes, your first trip to a "real" grocery store once you're back in the Land of Awesome will be an outing for the whole family.  

But I'm curious, is there one particular item that you missed the most?

PS:  Thanks ND for the awesome "Land of Awesome" nickname for the good ole USA!  ;) 


  1. Baby spinach and blackberries!!! Oh and sugar snap peas, arugula, blue berries, limes, really the list could go on and on...

  2. A never-ending list, indeed! I buy arugula everytime I go to the store! :) The summer fruits are just now starting to appear, and the blueberries are AMAZING!!! I know this isn't helping you, but I do hope it's helping you better prepare for your first trip to the grocery store!

  3. I am always overwhelmed by the sheer volume of CHOICE in the States! I think we actually got more variety in Morocco at Label Vie than we do here. Sometimes I just do not know what to make my kids for lunch because there are no goldfish or cheese its or anything fun. They always get a sandwich, an outrageously overpriced cheese dipper, apple slices and rice cakes. We aren't allowed to give them any kind of sugar, so these kids are definitely very UnAmerican! :-)

  4. Great post! We are heading overseas soon to a country that should have most of everything we'll want, but I'm sure there will be a few items here and there that will be hard to find. Plus, I hear most things will be twice the price. Eek! I'm preparing myself for the sticker shock.



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