Friday, January 11, 2013

The Dream

Pardon my absence!  I've been a little busy.  Building a house is a time-consuming process.  That’s a really silly, very obvious comment….  But when you’re actually doing it, it’s a realization that stops you in your tracks, especially if you’re on a limited time frame. 
Building a house is also a dream that often never comes to life, for you're always waiting for the right time and place to come along.  As I get older, I realize Carpe Diem should be my mantra!
My family and I returned from Morocco to South Carolina exactly 18 months ago.  My husband is currently serving a 2 year assignment with Army Central Command (ARCENT).  The first 9 months of the assignment, he was deployed.  Needless to say, a house building project should be done together so nothing was accomplished during his absence.  Not that I couldn’t have made some decisions, or gotten some of the work started, but let’s just suffice it to say that two heads are better than one when making decisions about the home where we will spend the rest of our lives. Hence, the “limited time constraint”. It’s almost time for my husband's next assignment, and we haven’t even broken ground yet!

Let me back up a bit.  When we started dating almost 30 years ago, our dream was barely a thought. We were young, inexperienced, and had the door to the world opening before us.  We were on the move, not to mention we are owned by the US Army so we have to go when and where they tell us!  Stay in South Carolina?  No way!  Not when we had the opportunity to see the world!  So off we went to faraway lands, both domestic and foreign.  But our dream kept popping up.  There were changes, there were new ideas, there were new hopes, and there were new military assignments that kept us on the move, so the dream had to wait.  However, we held to it tightly, because it was our future, our goal.
My parents were always aware of our dream.  My father gave the dream his blessing before he passed away back in 1987, and assured us that anything is possible with faith in God and hard work. And so, through our entire marriage, my mother was often reminded of our intentions….to return to South Carolina, build a home, and start a cattle farm.  The first step to reality occurred two Christmases ago when my mother deeded the land to me.  Were it not for my dear parents, who were true stewards of the land, the dream would still be just that, a dream.
Join me here, as I try to post as regularly as possible, the many hurdles and victories involved in building a home in a rural community on undeveloped land.


  1. Your dream is now my dream! Praying to see the reality and even spend some nights looking at the stars with you!

  2. I really look forward to watching your progress. You'll inspire others to live their dreams too!!

    Mary O

  3. Congrats on your dream coming true! As a military family, it must feel extra special that you can build a home and literally plant some roots and watch them grow! Good luck breaking ground and getting through the building process. I look forward to seeing how it all turns out!


  4. Thanks, Ladies! It's quite exciting to share our progress with you, which also serves in documenting it all for the future! I just hope I can keep up with it all! :) See you on the next post.


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